Implementation Toolkit
General GoodSpace Schools templates
Template wording for letter to parents on GoodSpace
Dear students and whānau,
[School name] continuously seeks ways of improving the wellbeing of our students. Since wellbeing has many facets, improving students’ wellbeing in schools requires a whole-school approach and takes into account emotional, physical, social and societal needs.
We see wellbeing in our school as an essential function. Adolescence is a critical period in the development of long-term attitudes towards personal wellbeing and lifestyle choices. The social and emotional skills, knowledge and behaviours that young people learn at school help them build resilience and set the pattern for how they will manage their physical and mental health throughout their lives.
This year, [school name] is working with GoodSpace Schools Ltd. to create a more integrated, personalised response to the wellbeing needs of our school. This includes completing a confidential wellbeing survey for all Year XX students. This will be completed during [PERIOD] on [DATE]. The survey is a youth friendly, secure online survey, based on a clinical evidence-based framework for schools to be able to identify students who may need support. As a result of the survey, all students with identified needs will be followed up by a counsellor and offered appropriate support, with students of higher needs prioritised.
We will be facilitating the programme with the support of the Year XX Tutors, Deans and Counsellors. The Principal and School Board are fully in support of the objectives we are working towards. This is part of our school’s ongoing commitment to supporting the overall well-being of our students, which in turn enhances their learning.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
How to invite a student to complete a Screening Survey
Each Screening Survey on the GoodSpace platform is associated with a unique Survey Code.
Schools share the Survey Code with students via email. This email will include instructions on how to complete the Screening Survey and contain the following:
https://app.goodspaceschools.com/#/sw/welcome (if the school has implemented restrictions on access to public websites, then you will need to ask the School IT team to whitelist the Survey Website URL to allow access from the school network)
Survey Code (each survey has a unique Survey Code. Students completing the same survey will use the same Survey Code)
Schools may also choose to have the url and Survey Code written on the board in the classroom or made available on a sheet of paper.
Students will need to know what their unique identifier ie. Student ID number to start the survey as it will be needed by the wellbeing team to identify the students on the response viewer.
Example email invitation to complete survey:
Thanks for taking this short survey today. We want you to get the most out of your time here at school and feel good about being here. This survey asks you some questions about different areas of your life so we can get an understanding about what is going on for you. Please be honest in your answers. Your answers will be stored securely and not shared with anyone except the Pastoral Team. As you go through the survey, please choose the response that best describes you. Remember that you can't get any of the answers wrong.
a) Cut and paste into your browser the GoodSpace Schools
b) Enter the survey code XXXXXXXX
c) Enter your student email
d) Complete your details
e) Start the survey
Your answers will be stored securely and not shared with anyone except the Wellbeing Team. If we think you might benefit from extra support, we will meet with you to figure out what you think will be most helpful.
Please feel free to contact us if you need any further support.
Wellbeing Check-in based survey templates
Template: Wellbeing Check-in survey introduction
Kia ora,
Thanks for taking this short survey today. It is so quick it should literally only take you one minute to complete!
This survey asks you five very short questions about the last two weeks. You then select which answer fits best for you for each question. Please be honest in your answers. It is important to know what you really think and are experiencing, not what you believe is the right answer. This is not a test. There are no wrong answers.
Your answers will be stored securely and not shared with anyone except the XXXX High School Student Support Team. If we think you might benefit from extra support, we will meet and include you when working out what you think will help the most.
In the final question you can also let us know if you would like one of the Guidance team to get in touch with you.
Nga mihi nui ki a koe
Thank you
Ka Pai tō mahi!
Thanks for completing this survey.
Come and chat with Whāea XXX, Whāea XXX or our Nurse XXX if you have any questions or are wondering about this afterwards. You are always welcome to chat with us.
Nau mai, haere mai, ki te kōrero
Template wording for parent newsletter informing of GoodSpace Schools Wellbeing Check-In
We are continuously seeks ways of ensuring the wellbeing of our students. This year we are working with a wellbeing team from GoodSpace Schools Ltd. to create a more integrated, personalised response to the wellbeing needs of our school. This includes completing confidential wellbeing check-ins with all our intermediate year students periodically throughout the year. The survey is a youth friendly, secure online survey, based on an internally validated screening tool which helps identify students who may need further support. As a result of the survey, all students with identified needs will be followed up by [xxxx] and offered appropriate support.
We will be facilitating the programme with the support of the Year XX Tutors, Deans and externally sourced professional counsellors. The Principal and School Board are fully in support of the objectives we are working towards. This is part of our school’s ongoing commitment to supporting the overall well-being of our students, which in turn enhances their learning.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Facilitator notes – Wellbeing Check-In
What is this?
You will log into an electronic survey which will ask you about how you have been feeling over the last two weeks.
Why are we doing it?
We want you to be a successful student and feel good about your school experiences. You are being asked to take this survey to understand what you are feeling and if you need any further support.
What will happen with my answers?
Your answers will be stored securely and not shared with anyone except school wellbeing team.
What will happening following the survey?
If the wellbeing team think you might benefit from extra support, they will meet with you to figure out what you think will be most helpful.
What happens if I cannot answer a particular question?
There are NO right or wrong answers, choose the answer you feel the most comfortable with.
Do I have to answer all questions?
You cannot move through the survey without answering all the questions. It is a quick two-minute survey to gauge how you are feeling at this point in time, just pick the answer which fits best for you.
What if I do not want to do the survey?
Participation is voluntary. If you do not participate a plan will be worked out with your school the wellbeing team and yourself to catch up face to face.
What if I want to change an answer?
Navigate back using the question navigation back box.
Wellbeing survey templates
Template: Wellbeing survey introduction
Kia ora
We thank you for completing this survey for us today.
This survey asks you questions about different areas of your life so we can understand a little about what is going on for you. Please be honest in your answers. It is important to know what you REALLY think and are experiencing, not what you believe is the right answer. This is NOT a test. There are no grades or incorrect answers.
Your answers will be stored securely and not shared with anyone except the XXXX High School Student Support Team. If we think you might benefit from extra support, we will meet with you to work out what you think will help the most.
Please choose the response that best describes you when doing the survey. Remember that you can’t get any of the answers wrong.
Nga mihi nui ki a koe
Thank you
Ka pai tō mahi!
Thanks for completing this survey. Come and chat with us at the Student Support Services if you have any questions or are wondering about this afterwards. You are always welcome to chat with us.
Nau mai, haere mai, ki te kōrero
Template wording for parent newsletter informing of Wellbeing Survey
This year we will be running a confidential Survey with all our students, one year level at a time, to gauge the wellbeing of our students.
The survey is a youth friendly secure online survey, based on an evidence-based framework for schools to be able to identify students who may need support.
We will survey our seniors in Term X and our Juniors in Term X during a homeroom. The survey takes 10-15 minutes and results are known immediately to our School Counsellors, who work within the bounds of confidentiality, and will be taking responsibility for the Survey.
Facilitator notes – Wellbeing Survey
What is this?
You will log into an electronic survey which will ask you about your current feelings and experiences. You will be asked questions about your school life, self-care, belonging, substance use, home life, sexuality and your mental health.
Why are we doing it?
We want you to be a successful student and feel good about your school experiences. You are being asked to take this survey to understand what you are feeling and experiencing.
What will happen with my answers?
Your answers will be stored securely and not shared with anyone except school councillors. Your dean, parents or teachers will not get a copy of your answers.
What will happening following the survey?
If the school counsellors or wellness staff think you might benefit from extra support services, they will meet with you to figure out what you think will be most helpful. They will provide you with a booking option to make a time when it is most suitable for you.
What happens if I cannot answer a particular question?
There are NO right or wrong answers, choose the answer you feel the most comfortable with.
Do I have to answer all questions?
You cannot move through the survey without answering all the questions. If you get stuck on a question, put in the answer you feel the most comfortable with. It is important that you try and get through all the questions. Some sections you will find easier to answer than other, but there is no wrong answer.
I do not want to do the survey?
Participation is voluntary. If you do not participate a plan will be worked out with your school and/or the wellness team and yourself to catch up face to face.
What happens if I felt a particular way in the past and not today?
Put in the answer that you feel most comfortable with today. We do understand that thoughts and feelings change and you will have opportunity in future years to participate again.
What if I want to change an answer?
Navigate back using the question navigation back box.
Communication Plan Template
Response Planning Form
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