How GoodSpace Screening is used by Schools
Why is screening important for my child?
Student wellbeing is critical for academic achievement. Schools use various ways to identify wellbeing needs. Screening is recognised as the best practice way to identify and prioritise students who may require additional support from school. The data collected from screening is also used by schools to inform health curriculum topics.
How is a student screened?
During a designated school class, students are invited to use the GoodSpace platform to respond to questions about lifestyle and health-related issues. This process is integrated seamlessly into their learning environment, respecting their comfort and confidentiality.
Is participation mandatory for my child?
After hearing of the benefits of screening for your child, for academic success, you still prefer your child not to participate, you can opt-out by notifying the school. Students themselves, particularly those aged 16 and older, have the autonomy to choose whether to participate. They can also skip any questions they are uncomfortable answering.
Who can view my child’s responses?
Individual survey responses can only be viewed by a very limited number of individuals who are directly employed by the school such as the head of pastoral care and guidance counsellors. Teachers and other school staff do not have access to individual survey responses.
How are individual survey responses used by the school?
Responses are automatically evaluated to prioritise needs. In urgent cases, students may be identified for follow-up, including face-to-face assessments with school wellbeing staff such as head of pastoral care and guidance counsellors. Where there are serious concerns, the schools will contact parents.
What topics are covered in the survey?
The survey provides a comprehensive review of students' social and mental wellbeing annually, covering areas such as mental health, belonging, self-care, school life, home life, and, for older students, topics like sexuality. For certain sections such as sexuality, students are offered the option of not answering. The survey is designed to be age-appropriate and based on the HEeADSSS model, a globally recognised framework for wellbeing assessment.